NAEH (National Alliance to End Homelessness) recently emailed this Action Alert to homeless advocates:
Last week, President Biden released his budget for the next fiscal year. It’s a bold framework for spending priorities to address poverty in America, but it doesn’t go far enough. We need at least $200 million in additional homeless assistance grants above the current spending level of $3.6 billion allocated by Congress.
As you may know, “Dear Colleague” letters are sign-on letters that help members of Congress build support for certain legislative positions. A recent “Dear Colleague” letter from Reps. Gwen Moore (WI-4) and Don Bacon (NE-2) is a bipartisan show of support for the Alliance’s recommended $200 million increase for homeless programs. We need your help to build momentum for this “Dear Colleague” letter.
Current spending on homelessness simply isn’t enough. We need additional funding to cover renewals of existing subsidies, support programs for youth and survivors of domestic violence, provide a cost of living increase for frontline staff, assist chronically homeless people with behavioral health needs, and boost investments targeted to unsheltered homelessness.
Please take a moment to ask your Representative to add their name to the Moore-Bacon “Dear Colleague” letter. It’s as easy as three simple steps:
- Enter your contact information to find your Member of Congress.
- Personalize the template letter by telling your Member of Congress who you are, what you do, and why you’re writing.
- Send your letter today!
The deadline is March 24, so please act today on this important request. Your Representative is much more likely to sign onto the Moore-Bacon “Dear Colleague” letter if they hear from you.
It’s as simple as clicking here and showing your support for homeless assistance grants.