The following information has been gathered from Boise/Ada County Homeless Coalition members,, other providers of services to people experiencing homelessness as well as several on-line Resources Guides (listed in that section.)
Please contact with corrections and/or additions.
Community Free Meals
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Events for February
Comprehensive Services
St. Vincent de Paul Can Help! For assistance with utilities, rent, household goods, transportation & clothing call our help-lines: Ada County and Mountain Home. Call (208) 331-2208 for support.
Love INC Boise operates as a call center. All requests for help must first be initiated by calling our assistance line. 377.3502 Ext 1 Love INC Boise is not an emergency service, and it take time to process applications. Most calls are routed to voice mail. Please don’t be disheartened by this. Leave your name and a local number where you can be reached and a volunteer will return your call in the order in which it was received.
Catholic Charities of Idaho is the social service arm of the Catholic Church in Idaho. We promote human dignity and the common good by improving lives and advancing financial and emotional well-being.
CCI provides a variety of services to all people regardless of religion, age, gender, disability, race/ethnicity, income or background.
CCI offers strength based and solution oriented services, including educational and skill building services, family focused counseling, immigration legal services, crisis case management services, financial wellness and asset building opportunities, youth support and resource referral services.
Call (208) 345-6031 for support.
Crisis Centers
Pathways Community Crisis Center SWIdaho
Pathways Community Crisis Center of Southwest Idaho (PCCCSI) is a non-profit community organization, created to help people who are having a mental health crisis or a drug or alcohol problem. We have a well trained staff that includes nurses, clinicians, case managers, and peer support specialists. The center is free, safe, private, and voluntary.
Women & Children’s Alliance
Safety, healing and freedom from domestic abuse and sexual assault. Call (208) 343-7025.
NAMI of Idaho
Call (208) 376-4304 for their support. Call or visit website at for additional support.
Mobile Crisis Unit
Call (208) 334-0808 for their hotline. Mobile response from 8AM to Midnight. Walk-In from 8AM to 5PM at the Westgate office on 1720 N. Westgate Drive.
ITLA Street Law Clinic
Have a legal Question? We are here to help. Online form must be completed to have support provided.
Food Pantries
St. Mark’s Foodbank
Call (208) 327-0345 for support. Located at 7960 W Northview St in Boise. Hours are M-F from 10AM to 1PM.
St. Mary’s Foodbank
Call (208) 345-2734 for support. Located at 3890 W State St in Boise. Hours are Monday & Friday F from 11AM to 2PM.
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
Call (208) 333-1460 for support. Located at 3209 W Overland in Boise. Hours are Tuesday and Friday from 10AM to 12PM.
El-Ada Community Assistance
Call (208) 345-2820 for support. Located at 2250 S Vista in Boise. Hours are M-F from 8:30AM to 4PM.
Housing Assistance
CATCH and Our Path Home
Instead of asking families to navigate an uncoordinated system of dozens of nonprofit and government agencies, what if we designed a single, streamlined access point for all families experiencing a housing crisis?
When a housing crisis occurs one call can start your journey home. On the other end of the line will be Our Path Home, a partnership of the Boise City/Ada County Continuum of Care.
If you are a family experiencing homelessness, call us today at 208-495-4240
Jesse Tree
The Jesse Tree provides a safety net for low to extremely low-income households living in Ada and Canyon Counties who are at risk of becoming homeless by providing financial assistance and emergency case management to prevent homelessness in the Treasure Valley. Call (208) 383-9486 for support.
Boise City Ada County Housing Authority (BCACHA)
Visit the web site to see the assistance available for housing and rent. You can also call (208) 345-4907 for support.
Salvation Army Housing and Homeless Services
Housing and Homeless Services
Group homes, emergency shelters, and transitional living centers provide housing, food, and overnight lodging for varying amounts of time to those in need. In addition, they provide educational, counseling and vocational services to homeless, destitute individuals and families, and youth where family care is undesirable or unavailable.
For those families with temporal needs, family service programs help families and needy individuals with emergency food, housing, and utility assistance.
Salvation Army programs and services vary with local needs. For information on specific programs and locations, contact your local Salvation Army Corps Community Center at (208) 383-4263 for support in your area.
Links to other Resource Guides
Search from over 11,000 resources to find free or low cost services or resources near you, including rental assistance, energy assistance, medical assistance, food and clothing, childcare resources, emergency shelter, and more.
Ada County Prosecutor’s Office Victim Witness Unit, RESOURCE GUIDE:
Boise School District: Self-Help Manual
The Self Rescue Manual: A guide to all community resources and supports in Ada County & Canyon County.
Boise Low Income Support Tool ( On-line interactive web site providing a list of available resources with directions and comments. Organizations are vetted weekly to verify accuracy.
Pathways Community Crisis Center
Hotline, Housing, Financial Assistance, Mental Health, Shelters, Substance Abuse, Support Group, Transportation
Shelter Hours and Other Shelters
City Light Home for Women
1404 W Jefferson St
Breakfast – 6:45 a.m. (Sunday – Friday), 8:00 a.m. (Saturday)
Lunch – 12:00 p.m. (Daily)
Dinner – 5:30 p.m. (Daily)
Overnight Shelter – 4:00 p.m. (Daily)
Special accommodations can be requested at check-in.
Service – 7:00 p.m. (Daily)
Interfaith Sanctuary Overnight Shelter
1620 W River St.
4:30 pm – 7:00 am Monday-Sunday
PLEASE NOTE: The shelter is closed during the day. However, if scheduled in advance, it is possible to make arrangements for a drop-off or visit.
River of Life Men’s Shelter
575 13th St
Mealtimes (Open to Men, Women & Children)
Breakfast – 6:30 a.m.
Lunch – 12:00 p.m.
Dinner – 5:00 p.m. for community guests including women and children.
7:00 p.m. for residents only. No women and children are allowed at this mealtime.
4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
*Overnight Shelter – Call 208-389-9840 or come by to find out how the check in for the night.
Service – 6:00 p.m. (Daily)
Hays House For Youth (18 and younger)
7221 Poplar St
208-322-2308 877-805-2308
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Corpus Christi House Daytime Shelter
525 S Americana Blvd
Open six days a week Corpus Christi House between the hours of 9:00 to 4:30 pm. Breakfast servd at 9AM and lunch served at 11:30. Call for additional services.
Sack Lunches and Snacks
Cathedral of the Rockies, 717 N 11th Sack Lunches daily 11:30 – 1
St. Michaels 518 N 8th, Limited sack (snack) lunches available. Mon-Fri 9-3
Transportation Options
Valley Ride City Bus
Monthly you pass and individual fares – call for prices. BSU & high school students can use their school ID card to ride city bus for free during school year. Ride Sharing Services: Valley Rides
Corpus Christi House Daytime Shelter
Daily Bus passes are provided at two per month per guest. Located at 525 S. American Blvd.
Ada County Indigent Services
208/287-7960, 252 E. Front Suite 199, Boise (East of Courthouse)
Bus tokens to be used for transportation to and from work and/or medical and dental appointments. Applications must be filled out prior to assistance.
El-Ada Community Action
Program offers bus tokens, call for more information.
Salvation Army
Program offers bus tokens. Bike program must be needed for work or medical appointments.
St. Vincent de Paul
Program offers bus tokens and gas vouchers to be used within one week for transportation to and from work only. Small parts vouchers include brake pads, hoses, belts. Vouchers are not available for car repairs. Bicycles given twice a month on a first come, first serve basis (one bike per lifetime).
Thrift Stores, Clothing Assistance, Supplies and Pet Assistance
Assistance League of Boise Thrift Shop
- Reasonably priced used clothing and household items (shoes, books, linens, small furniture) sold. Operation School Bell provides school children with clothes and a coupon for free shoes. Contact child’s school if you are aware of specific need.
Idaho Youth Ranch
- 343-2506 1417 S Main
- 378-8081 250 N. Orchard
- 433-1661 3840 Chinden
- 375-1242 1501 S. Five Mile Rd.
- 322-3610 10353 Fairview
- 853-1408 7054 West State St.
- Used furniture and clothing. Will deliver for small fee.
- Call ahead, adult brings the child, coat is provided if available.
Deseret Industries
- Thrift store. New & used furniture, clothing for men, women (maternity, wedding, & prom), & children. Potential help via local LDS Bishop (Don’t need to be LDS). Call to get Bishops name and phone number
Dress for Success
- Please call to schedule an appointment
Program eligibility: Must need clothes for job interviews. This program provides interview appropriate suits to low-income women seeking employment which includes skirts, pantsuits, blouses, scarves, and handbags in excellent, ready to wear condition (laundered or dry-cleaned, pressed and on hangers). *
Eagle 939-6735
Meridian 898-9982
Ustick /Boise 321-7559
5825 Glenwood, Boise
Any Idaho Youth Ranch
110740 Fairview, Boise
2760 E. Fairview Avenue, Meridian
Goodwill Industries
- Thrift store offers used furniture and clothing for sale.
River of Life
- This program is for men only, serves 3 meals per day, free clothing. Women & children call warehouse @ 368-0824 (1417 W. Jefferson) once they have obtained voucher from City Light (women only).
Salvation Army Family Services
- *Call or walk in for appointment
- Program eligibility: an application must be filled out each time a service is
requested, and an ID is needed for each family member (Birth certificates, immunization records, Social Security cards, State ID, Driver’s licenses).
This program gives clothing vouchers, which are given with a specific dollar amount per size of family. Vouchers may be used and any Salvation Army store within one week and they are given once in any 60-day period.
St. Vincent de Paul
- *Ask cashier for appointment.
- Program eligibility: Social Security card is needed for each member of the family, a picture ID is needed, and a short interview must be conducted prior to giving out vouchers. This program provides clothing vouchers for in-store purchases only. The vouchers are good for 2 sets of clothing for each family member and must be used the same day as received.
Treasure Valley Council for Church and Social Action
- *Contact Program Manager
- Program eligibility: must fill out a short information sheet, Social Security cards,
proof of ID, and proof of address (utility bill) is needed for each family member. This program assists in getting infants, children, women, and men’s clothing (supplies are limited). They can also assist in getting diapers.
Resources For People Experiencing Homelessness With Pets
Often you hear comments like, “Why do those people have pets when they cannot take proper care of them?” It is because their pet may be the only thing they have left. Pets are family whose welfare is very important to all of us, homeless included. Resources for pet services indicated on the map or available somewhere would be very helpful.
Shelter that allow pets: River of Life allows service animals.
Animal food: Humane Society at 4775 W. Dorman St., Boise, has a pet food pantry and offers low-cost care and spay/neuter services.
Restyle Animal Rescue Thrift Store at 625 S. Vista Ave., Boise, also has pet food and some coupons for low cost spay/neuter services.
Reduced cost vaccination/limited physical exam clinics:
Zamzows – 2nd Saturday 1-4pm, Boise and Meridian locations
2nd Saturday 9-12pm, Eagle and Kuna locations
NW Pets-Snip – 1st Saturday 10-1pm, 3060 E State St., Eagle
Petco – 2nd Tuesday 6-7:30pm, 3006 State St. Eagle
Petco – 3rd Saturday 9-11:30am, 179 N. Milwaukee St., Boise
Petco – 3rd Saturday 12-1:30pm, 3548 S. Findley, Boise
All Valley Animal Pet Clinics
3rd Saturday 8-1pm, 9140 W. Emerald, Boise
1st Wednesday 8-1pm, 9140 W. Emerald, Boise
4th Saturday 8-1pm, 6801 S. Federal Way, Boise
3rd Saturday 8-1pm, 2326 Cinema Dr., Meridian