Corpus Christi House
Corpus Priority Needs
Undergarments for Men and Women
Belts for Men
Small Bars or Soap and Deodorant
Winter Clothing for Rain and Snow
- Rain gear such as poncho’s
- Jackets, Gloves, Hats, Winter Socks
- Men’s & Women’s Winter Shoes
- Hand Warmers
Sleeping Bags & Backpacks & Tarps (Such as 8X10 or 5X7 sizes)
Factory Reset Cell Phones, Tablets or Laptops
Idaho Youth Ranch $10 Gift Cards When Clothing Room is Out Of Specific Needs
General News
- Always looking for volunteers for morning and afternoon schedules. Contact Destiny @ to see the opportunities and learn how you can get involved!
- Weekly Clarification Meeting on Fridays. Feel free to come or provide us with news and we’ll announce it at this meeting. Our Path case managers typically attend and provide updates. Announcements usually occur around 11:30 (before lunch) and Corpus typically has between 75-130 guests present.
- Working with local non-profits on a faster response for mental crisis
- Looking for a garage to help support auto repairs. We have mechanics just need a place to perform repairs. These repairs are for guests who have been vetted by any local non-profit on requiring the auto repair support.
- Can always use factory reset cell phones, tablets or laptop computers. These devices are used in our Step-Up computer room and for guests needing these devices.
Corpus Christi Needs
Always needed:
- Ceramic coffee cups
- Men’s clothing: pants, shirts, hoodies, and sweatshirts
- Men’s underwear (size L, XL, XXL, and XXXL)
- Women’s underwear & Bras (SM, Med, L, XL, XXL)
- Backpacks and sleeping bags.
- Men’s pants (all sizes)
- Women’s clothing: pants, shirts, hoodies, and sweatshirts
- Women’s pants (size 7 – 16)
- Women’s underwear and bra
- Belts (men and women)
- College ruled spiral notebooks and pens/pencils
- 10 oz. Styrofoam cups
- Reusable water bottles or coffee cups
Toiletries, cold relief products, bath towels
- Pocket size Kleenex packs
- Men’s shaving cream and disposable razors
- Travel size soap and shampoo
- Medical supplies: small packet of antibacterial cream
- Chap stick and travel size body lotion
- Ensure all donated clothing items are clean.
- Place items in a plastic bag or cardboard box
- Donations can be dropped off at Corpus Christi House Monday – Saturday 9:00AM – 4:00PM
The mission of Corpus Christi House is to offer hospitality and services to those in need in the city of Boise.
We strive to:
Deliver to the homeless, poor, and disadvantaged the virtues of hospitality, friendship, and love in God’s image.
We work to:
Deliver care and compassion today, so as to grow hope for tomorrow in the lives of the less fortunate.
We encourage and hope:
Help those who are able get back on their feet by:
- Providing access to educational opportunities
- Assisting in the work search process
- Providing for daily needs
We try to:
Provide services with the intent of easing the burdens of homelessness such as:
- Mail services
- Provide access to a telephone, restrooms, and showers.
- Inform our guests of services provided by other local agencies.