Homelessness as a Housing Supply Problem
For decades, homelessness has been a challenging policy issue across all levels of government—as well as a contentious political one. While some scholars and researchers emphasize the structural determinants of homelessness and its relation to housing markets, others frame the issue primarily in terms of safety and individual risk factors such as drug use and mental health.
As states and local communities develop new policies to address homelessness, it is imperative that key decision makers understand the interplay between homelessness and affordable housing supply. In this event, panelists will discuss the root causes of homelessness, share insights from recent policy interventions, and identify common-sense solutions that can help inform federal action.
USICH Presentation – “All In: the Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness”
Panel Discussion:
Peggy Bailey | VP for Income and Housing Security, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Gregg Colburn | Assistant Professor of Real Estate, University of Washington’s College of Built Environments
Michael Tanner | Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
Marcy Thompson | Director or Policy Initiatives, USICH
Francis Torres | Senior Policy Analyst, BPC
REGISTER HERE: Homelessness as a Housing Supply Problem Tickets, Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 1:00 PM EST | Eventbrite