Facts & Data
Who needs affordable housing in Idaho? How many additional units do we need?
Who needs affordable housing in Idaho? How many additional units do we need?
To end homelessness, we need to know how many people are unhoused, who they are and what type of housing they need.
2024 Annual Homelessness Assessment Report (AHAR to Congress)
State of Homelessness: State and CoC Dashboards – National Alliance to End Homelessness (click on ID-500 for Boise/Ada County)
Boise/Ada County Point in Time Count Data
Severely cost burdened households spend more than 50% of their income on housing. How many families are severely cost burdened in Idaho?
Idaho Statewide Housing Analysis
Out of Reach | National Low Income Housing Coalition (nlihc.org)
The GAP | National Low Income Housing Coalition (nlihc.org)
Housing Needs by State – Idaho
Mapping Evictions in Idaho – Idaho Policy Institute (boisestate.edu)
Federal Rental Assistance Fact Sheet – Idaho