P.O. Box 6283, Boise, ID 83707 www.homelesscoalitionboise.com
Boise/Ada County Homeless Coalition
Minutes, July 13, 2022
The meeting was conducted by Denise Caruzzi, President
Also in attendance Members: Boise Salvation Army Corps, Kira Hurt; Cathedral of the Rockies, Pete Schroeder; Carol Craighill, Secretary; Lila Fetherolf; Good Samaritan Home, Danielle Sanders; Jim Grunow; Gary Hanes; International Rescue Committee, Michelle Goodale; Martin Hendrickson; Neysa Jensen; Cay Marquart, LEAP HOUSING; Mary Nagel, Vice-President; Kelli Parker; Yogi Pullman; Peg Richards; Pam Roemer; and Gayle Wilde; Guests: Ariana Brault; Crystal Campbell, City of Meridian; Presenters: Lona Csik, Our Path Home; and Eli Griffin, Our Path Home Coordinator;.
Review Minutes of June 8, 2022
Motion to approve as submitted: Pete Schroeder, Second: Lila Fetherolf Approved unanimously
Review of Treasurer’s Report: June 8, 2022
Presented by Carol Craighill who reported a balance of $3, 548.68 Motion to approve as presented: Cay Marquart, Second: Gayle Wilde Approved unanimously
Committee Reports:
Carol Craighill reported that we have 14 organizational members and 35 individual members.
Lila Fetherolf, Education and Advocacy Committee, reported that the Interfaith Fun Run will be at Willow Lane Park (4623 Willow Lane) on Wednesday, July 20 at 6:00 pm. This would be
a great opportunity to engage with the homeless population and support them and Interfaith. Lila is also asking for a volunteer to help us with getting our message out (marketing). Update: Interfaith Sanctuary postponed their Fun Run after these notes were taken.
Neysa Jensen, Branding Committee, came up with a two-part recommendation: Part 1: revamping the name of the organization by putting Homeless Coalition at the beginning and changing it to Homeless Coalition of Southwest Idaho and Part 2: adding the hashtag “Activating Voices for Solutions”. The motion was made from the task force and it was unanimously approved. Follow-up investigations will be made, looking into steps required to change the name legally: in registration with the State (Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws), URL registration and in any other areas.
Gary, Neysa, and Kelli volunteered to do research on the pros and cons of applying for a 501C3 nonprofit status and report back next month.
Eli Griffin (Our Path Home Director) and Lona Csik (summer intern for Our Path Home) reported on the cooling stations throughout the city. The six locations are: Our Path Home, Boise City Library, Corpus Christi, Boise City Hall, Cathedral of the Rockies, and a new location—the Senior Center. The YMCA is offering free membership. Volunteers are needed at the new Senior Center location from 11:00 to 4:00. Yogi and Mary offered to help.
Agency Updates:
Good Samaritan Home, Danielle Sanders
reported that they just got their air conditioner fixed they are doing well, but they need more donations they are hoping to expand to 126 units
Salvation Army, Kira Hurt
they provide 500 + food boxes a month
they also have school supplies available
Pathway for Hope has openings for families in poverty and a 12-to-18-month program to help people with problems
they also have an opening for a volunteer coordinator
LEAP, Cay Marquart
With a $200,000 grant from the Kathryn Whitney Foundation, LEAP will be putting 11 affordable homes on 1.6 acres in Boise (Whitney Commons). The land under the homes will be held in trust.
They have started working on 136 units of affordable housing in Mountain Home-Style
Martin Hendrickson gave us an update on the protester’s case. He said it was still in flux; however, several of the defendants have had their criminal cases dismissed.
Gary Hanes encouraged us to have a presence at the IFH conference economic development on Aug. 22 & 23. Denise said our Coalition would pay the fee for someone to attend.
Denise also reminded us to take part in the City’s Zoning Committee Meetings.
Denise gave us an update on the community discussion meetings—Walk with Me/Talk with Me—Solving Homelessness Together. This is a project of the Education/Advocacy Task Force for continued outreach into the community. The first pilot project was at the First United Church of Christ. The next one is the second in a series and will be held at Collister Methodist Church immediately following an abbreviated Sunday service on July 24th. Service starts at 10:30 and panel discussion should start at 11:30, after a brief coffee and snacks. Members are encouraged to go. The next scheduled discussion will be at the Cathedral of the Rockies on September 11th.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:20 by Denise Caruzzi. The next general meeting will be August 0, 2022 at 1:30.
Notes taken by Cay Marquart Secretary: Carol Craighill