P.O. Box 6283, Boise, ID 83707 www.homelesscoalitionboise.com
Boise/Ada County Homeless Coalition
May 11, 2022
The meeting was conducted by Denise Caruzzi, President.
Also in attendance: Pete Schroeder, Cathedral of the Rockies; Don Ruffing Corpus Christi House; Carol Craighill, Secretary; Deb Eisinger; Bruce D. Ervin; Lila Fetherolf; Jim Grunow; Gary Hanes; Martin Hendrickson; Jodi Peterson, Interfaith Sanctuary; Michelle Goodale, International Rescue Committee; Neysa Jensen; Rodger Shaver, Jesse Tree; Barbara Kemp; Cay Marquart, LEAP Housing; Mary Nagel, Vice-President; Kelli Parker; Pam Roemer. Guests Included Ariana Brault, Boise City/Ada County Housing Authority; Danielle Sanders, Good Samaritan Home; Jamie Simpson, IHFA; and Casey Mattoon, City of Boise who presented.
Review Minutes of May 11, 2022 meeting
Motion to approve as submitted by Lila Fetherolf, Second, by Peter Schroeder. Approved unanimously
Notice of Change to Bylaws:
Changes to the bylaws are proposed to help clarify wording and change in the Annual Meeting to be open for anyone to attend, (with only paid and current members able to vote.) Changes in membership due dates from dues applying to the calendar year to renewals due after one year. Also, all committees will be Ad Hoc (formerly some Standing Committees, established in the bylaws.). See pages 5 & 6 below, with proposed changes incorporated in pertinent sections.
There was a discussion about “Open membership” and whether there is a danger to the Coalition of being taken over by groups with their own agenda. As Denise explained We created the membership form to help with that, we present potential members with the goals and mission of the Coalition and ask how their interest or goals in joining the Coalition fit with ours. “We will have diversity of opinion, hopefully about the “how to” and not “what we’re about”.
Homeless Resource Pocket Guide
The supply of Resource Pocket Guides printed last October have been mostly distributed. Member organizations feel it is important to reprint the guide and map as it is much in demand. Reprint will require up to $300. The printable version of the Resource Guide is available on our website at: https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Pocket- Guide-2021_hi.pdf. The new website will have a “Reader-Friendly and Printable version of the Resource Guide.
The suggestion was made that info on the cooling/warming center be noted as “where to get the information” and leave details out.
Carol motioned for approval of up to $300 to update the design and print and fold 1,000 copies of the Resource Guide. Gail Wilde seconded the motion. Motion approved.
A couple of members volunteers to make up the different if expenses went over $300.
A Notice of Holding a July Coalition Meeting
Due to the continued work through the summer, there will be a meeting of the Boise Homeless Coalition on July13, via Zoom.
Agency Updates
Interfaith Sanctuary – Jodi Peterson
City Council overturned denial for permit for Interfaith from P&Z. Interfaith now has
permit for using the Salvation Army Building on State Street, and is proceeding with plans. First meeting with architects has happened but the City is backed up with design reviews. No date confirmed at this point. Jodi believes the appeal has to happen within 28 days; Don clarified the lawsuit would be against the City to overturn its decision or it will go into federal court
A new program has started: A street paper called “Word on the Street.” It’s part of the International Street Sheet Association (world-wide)–a way to connect communities with homeless stories and investigative reporting within the direct impact of the vulnerable population. Interfaith has developed the program with 7 guests who will act as vendors. The vendors wear a vest with the project name and a pocket to carry the newspaper and will ask for a $1 donation. This is lawful on public locations.
There has already been a pilot at Cathedral of Rockies on a Sunday. Pete commented how well it went; they sold out before 2nd service happened and people donated even without the paper.
Request for help: Might need volunteer support to get vendors to the locations.
Corpus Christi – Donald Ruffing
Open 8:30 – 4:30 daily and getting busier in the summer. The May snowstorm really increased numbers. Everything went relatively smoothly. Mark is leaving in June and CCH is interviewing now.
Our Path – Casey Mattoon
Eli could come and give an update about offering cooling space in different ways we have approached it before. Could come to this meeting to discuss. It’s about increasing access to places they can cool off. Homeless response system – community integration is a high consideration, public availability i.e. libraries.
Good Samaritan Home – Danielle Sanders
No major news yet. We will be neighbors when Interfaith moves and want to collaborate.
Could use help from volunteers. Currently short handed
JESSE TREE- Rodger Shaver
- Security Deposit program helped 99 families; keeping up with 10 -15 a month
- There was the discussion about IHFA and ARPA funds and confusion of when funding willstop or why (and who has the authority). Need to ask IHFA to clarify if they could.LEAP HOUSING
- LEAP awarded Tiny House Program and ADU program for city, so looking for participants (applicants). Contact http://leaphousing.org/ and scroll down to ADU.
- The ADU participants — 3 homeowners to rent to persons with low to moderate income; 4 to those with vouchers
- Tiny Houses will be on wheels and placed around the city,Presentation: by Casey Mattoon, City of Boise, Our Path ManagerCasey focused on the Permanent support of housing which is a subset of the analysis. 29,000 units are needed so the following outlines how we are addressing.
Presentation Notes (Summarized by Danielle Sanders)
City of Boise Housing Needs Analysis: Permanent Supportive Housing Pipeline
Analyze population experiencing homelessness: what do they need? Identify new resources that are available to address housing needs
Boise City Council has made this a priority
BCACHA important partner for rental assistance
Finding units to use subsidies is difficult
The ability to match tenants to units is being improved
Improving supportive services so they can remain housed
Potential federal legislation to increase amount of vouchers
1 time allocations, $10 million just toward housing solutions, $2 million towards transitional housing. St. Luke’s and St. Alphonsus support New Path Community Housing
Expanding Medicaid
Phase 1: Permanent Supportive Housing Plan: define scale of need and actions needed (COMPLETE)
Environmental scan and supportive housing gaps analysis. Identified need for 517 new permanent supportive housing units. Created a goal for 750 new housing units for people exiting homelessness. Includes on-site supportive services. Asking developers to dedicate space to permanent supportive housing. Need to create investment fund, advocacy path and timeline, continue to work on voucher commitment and establish a sub-committee.
Phase 2: Memorandum of Understanding: Agreement between partners
MOU between City of Boise and Housing Authority. Ensures it is feasibly funded. Did best practices research, presented to BCACHA board. Currently finalizing MOU with legal review. Need to vote to approve in June.
Phase 3: Implementation: Attach resources to projects
Project-by-project design.
Feasibility buckets: Have to have resources for development: land, financing; have to secure rental assistance; people being housed often have at least one debilitating condition and need supportive services. No funding source for that in Idaho.
New Path’s model serves most vulnerable first. No supportive services staff for helping with cooking, cleaning, transportation.
1 site – Single adults with at least one debilitating condition and longtime homelessness (100+) 1 site – May have history of substance abuse or legal issues (60)
1 site – Families with children (40+)
1 site – treatment/recovery based. Current or imminent homelessness (30+) 1site-TBD
Branding /Slogan
One recommendation is Love Your Neighbor > End Homelessness
Kelli suggested a committee with outside consultation to help develop. Pete mentioned that this is how Cathedral of the Rockies did it and supports the idea. Jodi asked if the Ada County Homeless Coalition have a vision, mission, values, etc. This is a good place to start: Motto is important and can make a difference. Jodi will provide support any way she could.
Action Item: Jodi & Kelli to build a short list of who we can go out and find some expertise
It is clear that there is a need for education for our community. Denise called for open conversation or suggestions
Brainstorm included:
- Walk a Mile Project an educationalOutreach
- Mailers that make opportunities available
- Have not done to reach out in thecommunity itself
- Book club didn’t work out
- Created a one-page flyer
- Target letters to the editor
- Tag along with events that exist; have a
• Ask restaurants or schools to partner and give a social message
• Purpose: educate about the issues & homelessness
• Series of Town Hall meetings in conjunction with public forums already happening
• Need to get material whatever we do ; get a marketing type group to drive together ; need data to get together
• What about churches?
getting the public to have exchanges with those we are working to serve. Create engagement
where our homeless people are receiving services.
Meeting Adjourned
Carol Craighill Secretary Notes taken by Kelli Parker
booth and share the word
Jodi shared that she believes getting people connected works better than materials–
When suggested changes (May, 2022) are approved, this is how it will read:
Article IV. Meetings
Section 1. General Meetings
1. There shall be at least five (5) general meetings per year.
2. Meetings shall be open to the public.
3. The President or other Executive Committee member(s) so designated by the President shall facilitate meetings.
4. Advance notice of each meeting shall be given and shall include a tentative agenda.
5. Persons requesting to be on the agenda must make a request to the
President prior to the mailing of the agenda.
6. If a special meeting is necessary, notice to members, including place and purpose of
the meeting, shall be given at least 48 hours in advance.
7. Nominations for Executive Committee candidates for the following year shall be presented at the last general meeting of the year.
Section 2. Annual Meeting
1. This meeting shall be held in December of each year.
2. This meeting shall be open to the public.
3. An Executive Committee member or a member appointed by the Executive Committee
shall preside over the election.
4. The purpose of this meeting is to elect Officers and at least one (1) person experiencing
homelessness and/or representing people experiencing homelessness. A candidate forum may precede elections. Philosophy, policy matters, and goals and objectives for the next year may be discussed.
5. Notice of the annual meeting shall include criteria for voting.
Section 4. Voting
1. Each member shall have one (1) vote.
2. Each organization shall have one (1) representative as its voting member.
3. Members may not send a proxy to vote in their stead.(1)
4. Individual members who also represent a member organization are allowed only one (1) vote.(2 )
Article V. Membership Section 2. Dues
1. Membership will become effective on the 1st of the month following the month in which dues are paid and will remain in effect for a 12-month period.
2. Payments received before the member anniversary date will be applied on the anniversary date. |
3. Waivers may be granted when individuals or organizations are unable to pay dues. Release from dues is at the discretion of the Executive Committee. |
Article VII. Officers Section 1. Eligibility
1. Paid or waived membership.
2. Demonstrated commitment to Coalition mission and goals. Examples include, but are not limited to
a)attending a majority of meetings during the year prior to beginning of term,
b)participating in the work of a committee,
c)participating in implementation of a Coalition event or other related service.
Article IX. Committees
As the need arises, the Executive Committee shall appoint special or ad hoc committees to serve until the purpose(s) of the committee has been fulfilled.