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October 8, 2021
Our Path Home Executive Committee Votes to Support Interfaith Sanctuary’s Emergency Shelter Proposal on State Street
(BOISE, Idaho) – Last week, the Our Path Home Executive Committee voted unanimously to support Interfaith Sanctuary’s new emergency shelter proposal on State Street. The vote occurred after a written proposal evaluation was presented and robust discussion occurred between Executive Committee members about the emergency shelter’s alignment with system shelter needs and shelter best practices, among other things.
Abstaining from the vote were members Jodi Peterson (Executive Director of Interfaith Sanctuary) and Brady Ellis (Vice President, Housing Support Programs at Idaho Housing and Finance Association). Ultimately, the Our Path Home Executive Committee determined that Interfaith Sanctuary’s proposal was both feasible and necessary while representing a huge step forward for Boise’s emergency shelter system. Highlights of the new emergency shelter include:
- Our Path Home CONNECT and other partners will be provided space inside of the shelter to bring services directly to shelter guests, a trauma-informed care practice that will center guest needs and comfort
- The total beds will help meet both current and future need based on a system shelter needs analysis – 94 beds designated for families significantly address the current 111 family bed gap in Boise’s shelter system; 22 beds for medically fragile individuals provides a much needed ability to care for guests that have advanced medical needs and facilitates a new, much needed patient discharge mechanisms for hospital system partners
- The building design meaningful address a major reason why individuals don’t currently access shelter, including the ability to store possessions both in shared and individual storage spaces
- Shelter operations are aligned with national best practices, including – 24/7 guest access, housing planning for all guests, increased data collection and guest behavioral expectations
The unanimous vote to support the proposal means the Our Path Home partnership will engage in activities related to the proposal’s next steps. As Interfaith Sanctuary moves forward with a Conditional Use Permit application, Our Path Home will firmly support the project as a necessary and important part of our system response to homelessness.
“Our Path Home is proud to support Interfaith Sanctuary’s proposal for a new emergency shelter on State Street. The shelter will provide a much needed increase in capacity to provide shelter for families in our community that are experiencing their very own housing crisis with the care, dignity and services they need,” said Stephanie Day, Chair of the Our Path Home Executive Committee. “Interfaith’s proposal helps our entire system better service people experiencing homelessness by allowing Interfaith to do shelter better and while ensuring the partnership’s limited resources continue to focus on more permanent solutions – housing strategies.”
“We are so grateful for the feedback and collaboration we have received from our partners at Our Path Home. Their support of this project validates the work our organization has done to design a shelter that provides safe space, community, and supportive services to all those who need it.” said Jodi Peterson, Executive Director Interfaith Sanctuary. “As we continue to engage the community and move toward a decision on our Conditional Use Permit application, we remain committed to serving our guests with dignity and grace while working on building relationships in the neighborhoods where we work.”
Our Path Home is the public/private partnership comprising more than 40 agencies working today to end homelessnes in Ada County. Our Path Home is governed by the Executive Committee – a strategic planning body that is responsible for ensuring Our Path Home meets federal standards and local needs.
Interfaith Sanctuary is the only low-barrier emergency shelter operator in the City of Boise, serving people of all genders, races, religions, and sexual orientations, as well as families who are experiencing homelessness. They are committed to providing safe overnight emergency shelter, programming and supportive services to transition our guests out of homelessness.
CONTACT: Stephanie Day
Our Path Home Chair
Executive Director, CATCH
(208) 918-0279