P.O. Box 6283, Boise, ID 83707 www.homelesscoalitionboise.com
Boise/Ada County Homeless Coalition
February 9, 2022
Meeting conducted by Denise Caruzzi, President
In attendance: Howard Belodoff; Cara Cain; Carol Craighill, Secretary; Judy Cross (Interfaith Alliance of Idaho); Lila Fetherolf; Martin Hendrickson (Idaho Legal Aid Services); Kira Hurt, Boise Salvation Army Corp; Neysa Jensen; Barbara Kemp, Past President; Katie Lim; Cay Marquart, LEAP Housing; Mary Nagel, Vice President; Brittany O’Meara, Intermountain Fair Housing Council; Kelli Parker; Vivian Parrish; Jodi Peterson, Interfaith Sanctuary; Pam Roemer; Renee Rohman, CATCH; Jarrett Rummel, Treasurer; Marc Schlegel-Preheim, Corpus Christi House; Pete Schroeder, Cathedral of the Rockies; Gayle Wilde; Megan Wilson Woller, St. Al’s’. GUESTS: Crystal Campbell, City of Meridian; Susannah Heist, MSW Student; Casey Mattoon, City of Boise; Carrie Zanders, (retiring) St. Al’s. PRESENTOR: Kendra Knighten, Idaho Asset Building Network;
Minutes of January 12, 2022 meeting—Hearing no questions or discussion, Barbara moved to accept the minutes and Lila seconded. Minutes were unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s report—Jarrett reported a $3,351.17 balance. Cay filed a motion to accept and Barbara seconded. The report was unanimously approved.
Updates: Pete Schroeder (Cathedral of the Rockies) reported that the church offers meals during the week—Sunday and Thursday nights and lunches everyday. He also reported on the Faith Leader Collective which is made up of 12 pastors for the purpose of supporting Interfaith by sending out a press release. Money is also being offered for an electronic billboard stating “We are Interfaith” with the names of pastors and private individuals. There is also an online petition in support of Interfaith, and 1,400 signatures have (so far) been collected.
Jodi is encouraging all of us to email or write letters to the City Council members in support of the Interfaith expansion.
Denise suggested possibly funding a full-page ad in the newspaper with supporter’s names.
Judy (Interfaith Alliance of Idaho) stated that the Alliance has also been involved with helping to pay for the billboard.
Vivian filed a motion that the coalition spend up to $1,500 to be used for support of the Interfaith move with the Executive Committee making the decision as to the amount and how to spend the money. Howard seconded the motion. Discussion included concerns about the effect of such an expenditure on the budget (and bank balance), the low fundraising by the Coalition and other projected expenses. A vote of the membership present was called (as required by the ByLaws) and the motion was approved.
Marc (Corpus Christi) reported on the Warming Center. There are about 110 to 140 individuals in the warming center each day. They still need volunteers early in the morning and weekends. Everyone is masked. If interested, please contact Marc. The center will be open until the middle or end of March (weather depending).
Martin Hendrickson (Idaho Legal Aid) works with Howard. He reported that, in general, the police have been exercising restraint with the homeless protesters. They have been interviewing homeless people who feel their rights have been violated and will follow through with appropriate action.
Casey (Our Path Home) stated that because of COVID, the PIT count will only be taken at two locations—Corpus Christi and Interfaith. Casey will fill us in on the permanent supportive housing project at a later date. This project is about working with developers to encourage them to provide low-income housing.
Kendra Knighten (Idaho Asset Building Network) reported on the 2022 legislative policy updates. HB 442 prohibits local government from enacting residential fees and deposit caps. It’s passed the House. We are urged to contact the legislators on the Senate Commerce Committee to vote “No” on HB442. Melissa Wintrow has introduced SB1240 which would enable homeowners and renters to voluntarily remove discriminatory language from housing covenants. It’s passed the House and is heading to the Senate. Idaho Asset Building Network Take Action Link: https://www.idahoassetnetwork.org/takeaction/ And, you can subscribe to IABN’s newsletter here: https://www.idahoassetnetwork.org/subscribe/ Register for our monthly housing webinar here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eJ3D-G7CTBGJOSQ0fWKl-A And you can email me directly if you are interested in learning more about the IABN’s housing working group! My email is kknighten@jannus.org.
Updates 2: Megan Woller (Saint Al’s) stated that they have a mobile vaccine clinic at Corpus Christi.
Kira Hurt (Salvation Army) talked about “Day of Giving” which is Feb. 14.
Brittany O’Meara) (IFHC) said that the agency supports Senator Wintrow’s bill which would enable homeowners and renters to voluntarily remove discriminatory language from housing covenants (SB1240). They are also working on a grant with Jesse Tree and Legal Aid to address evictions in Idaho. Link to sign up for IFHC newsletter https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/E9ML4e9. Data for sharing/learning: https://nlihc.org/housing-needs-by-state/idaho.
Carol reported that there are 56 members and 17 organizations currently in the Homeless Coalition. We will be sending out more reminders to those who have not renewed their membership.
Cay gave an update on LEAP projects. Caritas Commons (phase 1) is almost complete with 6 out of the 14 units finished. A big thanks to St. Al’s for making this development possible and to LEAP for setting up the first Idaho Trust Fund for this development.
Cay also reported on a city pilot program for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU’s). LEAP will partner with Flinner Homes. Coalition members are urged to support LEAP’s bid by contacting City Council members. More information will follow.
Barbara visited the homeless encampment and said she is especially concerned about the confiscation of prescription drugs by the police. She also reported that the homeless people are having ongoing conversations with the mayor’s office and the legislature and are hoping to talk with the governor. Barbara said the people at the protest requested: handwarmers, footwarmers, hot food, bottled water, hot water (any time throughout the day/night), blankets, warm clothes—they would be very grateful for any of these items. And the following is their list of demands: land, $3 million for construction of a building on the land to be used as 24-hour warming center OR an abandoned building that could be used, autonomous operation of warming center, stop harassment of people who are out of shelters, safe parking areas. To see photos of the protest: https://share.icloud.com/photos/06cnNf7gEQJvkkMrPkLrT1MXA or https://share.icloud.com/photos/0a3sAsHy7oz3__VkOlXZaF_BQ14:40:50 and https://share.icloud.com/photos/06dj1LnHR-ELuPVWNyx19gMWA
Denise Caruzzi : Here is the flyer we used at the Protest (it is also on the Coalition’s website) https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/HC.Fact_.Sheet_.5-2021.pdf
Denise said there were three homeless people who met with the mayor last week, but she doesn’t know the outcome—only that the meeting was productive. Denise suggested that the handout that we distributed to the opposing protesters should be put in the legislator’s mailboxes. Denise also asked us to think of other opportunities where we could use the handout.
Lila suggested that we get stories from the homeless people and supplies for them and encourage the governor to fund the Housing Trust Fund.
We briefly discussed the pros and cons of applying for a 501C3 charitable status. We will continue the discussion at the next meeting.
Denise and Cay also encouraged our involvement in the Zoning Commission’s new zoning actions. More details coming soon.
Meeting adjourned.
Cay Marquart, note taker and
Carol Craighill, Acting Secretary