Your coalition has been busy! Here are a few ways we’ve been advocating for change in our community and nationwide:
- Boise Neighborhood Interactive Conference: On July 15, the Homeless Coalition presented a panel discussion in the morning called “Let’s Talk Housing Gaps” and participated in the Community Resource Fair later in the day with a table and educational handouts.
- Support for a new shelter: The Homeless Coalition submitted a letter to Interfaith Sanctuary’s Board of Directors in support of their planned shelter expansion and relocation. Read the letter HERE.
- Support for Tenant Protections: Homeless Coalition President Pete Schroeder wrote a letter to the editor thanking the Boise City Council for considering a package of tenant protections to promote positive, stable relationships between tenants and property managers. His letter was published in the Idaho Press on July 30.
- Advocacy for pedestrian safety: All of us who walk around town are vulnerable on busy city streets. The Homeless Coalition submitted a request to Ada County Highway District to consider safety issues at 15th and 16th Streets, between River and Myrtle, especially, in their 5-year planning process. Read the coalition’s email HERE.
- IABN Congressional Roundtable: The Homeless Coalition participated in a meeting with Idaho’s representatives on June 27th (organized by IABN) to advocate for affordable housing, eviction prevention and healthcare options. Read an outline of the coalition’s presentation HERE.
- Book Discussions: We wrapped up our series of book discussions about Homelessness is a Housing Problem. The discussion series was a success! The next series of discussions will be about Poverty, by America. Read more HERE.
Would you like to be more involved in the Homeless Coalition’s activities? Elections are held each January for leadership positions, and there are opportunities year-round to serve on committees. Email for information.