P.O. Box 6283, Boise, ID 83707 www.homelesscoalitionboise.com
Boise/Ada County Homeless Coalition
January 12, 2022
Meeting conducted by Denise Caruzzi, President
In attendance: Howard Belodoff; Cara Cain; Carol Craighill, Secretary; Deb Eisinger;
Lila Fetherolf; Gary Hanes; Kira Hurt, Salvation Army; Sarah Jareczek, Intermountain Fair Housing; Neysa Jensen; Barbara Kemp, Past President; Cary Marquart, LEAP Housing; Mary Nagel, Vice President; Brittany O’Meara, Intermountain Fair Housing; Vivian Parrish; Renee Rohman, CATCH; Don Ruffing; Pete Schroeder, Cathedral of the Rockies; Carrie Zanders, St. Al’s. Guests included: Casey Mattoon, City of Boise; Kris Meyer, Easter Seals; Eli Griffin, Our Path Home Coordinator—City of Boise.
Welcome/Coalition Business
Minutes of December 8, 2021 meeting– Hearing no questions or discussion, Don Ruffing filed a motion to accept and Vivian P. seconded. Minutes were unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report Balance—$3,104.72. Cay Marquart filed a motion to accept and Mary Nagel seconded. Report was unanimously approved.
The Annual Financial Statement was presented. Carol Craighill recommended that we should list in-kind donations on the report. We discussed different ways we could acknowledge their contributions. After this discussion, we decided to defer the recommendation to next month’s meeting.
Carol Craighill suggested we make a temporary amendment to our bylaws to extend the membership renewal period to March 31st. Carol Craighill made the motion and Lila F. seconded. It was unanimously approved.
Carol reported that there are 366 people on our mailing list and she has sent reminders to members who have not yet renewed their memberships. There will be more reminders sent to current members and others who should be encouraged to join the Coalition. Cay Marqaurt makes phone calls to those who have not renewed.
Time Critical Announcements
Interfaith Sanctuary (IFS) advocacy/support—We are all asked to send letters/emails to the City Council members in support of IFS. Neysa suggested that we wait until the action to appeal is made and a case number is assigned. All correspondence must include this case number. Pete Schroeder will provide City Council contact information to Carol. Pete also mentioned that approximately ten pastors have been asked to testify in support of Interfaith at the City Council meeting. Howard Belodoff suggested that the pastors should emphasize their Christian mission of helping those in need.
26/27 January Point-In-Time (PIT) Count needs volunteers. Casey Mattoon sighted concerns about COVID which may result in postponing the event. A decision will be made soon and all volunteers will be notified. There will be training sessions for all volunteers on January 25. Casey is asking for interested volunteers to contact Idaho Housing —208-331-4700.
10 January—10 February—Boise/Ada County Housing Authority Section 8 voucher lottery waiting list. Apply on line at housing@bcacha.org.
24 January Housing Advocacy Day—this is a day when we talk to legislators about the need for affordable housing. If interested, you must register and will receive training to help with talking to legislators. To register– https://www.eventbrite.com/e/housing-advocacy-day-tickets-224895387157.
Don Ruffing (Corpus Christi) reported that the warming center is running very smoothly. The center is open from 8:30 to 4:30 with more added hours due to extreme cold. Both he and Marc said the biggest challenge is finding volunteers to staff the weekends. Marc said that anyone interested in volunteering should email him at marc@corpuschristiboise.org.
Kira Hurt (Salvation Army) is the Pathways out of Poverty Manager. The organization provided 1,400 children with Christmas gifts. The Food Pantry is open again. The Cardinal Academy has about 46 attending students.
Renee Rohman (Catch) is doing well with donations.
Carrie Zanders (Saint Al’s) is helping with Our Path Home to end family homelessness and many other projects.
Casey Mattoon (Our Path Home manager) is working with Interfaith Sanctuary (Overflow Program) which addresses the homeless population when there are no more beds at the local shelters—trying to make sure that everyone who wants a bed has one.
Sarah Jareczek (IFHC) is in charge of the internet for Fair Housing. Webinars are on line.
Cay Marquart (LEAP HOUSING) received about $156,000 in the Avenues for Hope fundraiser.
Lila F. (Advocacy Task Force) gave a detailed report from the committee. The main focus is on advocacy and education. She asked for membership input on the following:
A. Geographical Area–Where can the Coalition make the most impact?
B. What can the Coalition do that your organization cannot?
C. What resources would be most helpful to you for educating others?
D. What are your organization’s unmet needs that we may be able to help with?
Discussion will continue at the February meeting.
Meeting adjourned
Cay Marquart, note taker and
Carol Craighill, Acting Secretary